Why did I build Personas?

Who am I?

It is a question that has lived with us forever.

We keep asking it, as we keep trying to get a grasp at what defines us. And yet we keep failing to find a simple answer. In the last century, personality testing has risen to the challenge and has gained momentum, trying to provide it.However, standard personality testing is majorly self-assessed. Meaning it does not tell you who you are, but rather who you think you are or who you want to be.

There’s a different version of you that exists in the head of everyone that knows you, including yourself.

Who we think we are is but one face of the die. But, as the die, we are multi-faceted; complex constructs which can be looked at from different perspective. How we see ourselves is one part of the answer, and it is already providing tremendous value when asked and used right.

But I do not believe we should stop there. I want to know what are other facets of my die. Who am I for others? How am I perceived? How is it going to be different? When I do or say something, I know why I did or say so. I have explanations and rationales to justify it that I am the only one aware of. The rest of the world is building its understanding of me only through my acts, not my purposes or intent.

That was one of the key reasons I built Personas. To help our unquenchable thirst for self-definition and provide more answers to the eternal “Who am I?“. To give an affordable, fast, and accessible way for anyone to discover who they are in others’ eyes and what kind of person they are without explanations of intent.

Personas is an online 360 personality testing platform. You can create an account, share a link to the friends, family, or colleagues you would like the perspective of, and see your related personality results, or, more simply, personas. The personality model used is the Big Five model, the most scientifically reliable up to this date.

We aim to help introspective people grow and give access to a shareable reliable personality report. Personality and soft skills increasingly matter and are progressively getting their rightful recognition. To use another quote: “You can teach a barista to pour a beer, but you can’t teach him how to smile”. If that sounds of any interest to you, please give Personas a try, and let us know if we can be of more value to you. We are always looking for feedback to improve and provide more people with better tools on that self-discovery journey we are all taking.

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